am going to send every bride this after her big day but in case you didn't
know...here is a step by step process of how to change your name in case you
wanted to change your name.
Get a certified copy of your
marriage certificate. In St. Tammany parish, CLICK
HERE. A certified copy should be sent to you. But if
not, contact your local Clerk of Court's office.
The granddaddy of them all...your social security card! Visit the SSA website CLICK HERE and fill out the correct form. Mail it to the local office or just go there CLICK HERE to find one in your area. Bring every single form of state issued ID that you have available. We are talking birth certificates, marriage certificates, old social security card and blood sample (just kidding). You should get your new card in 10 days if apply by mail and immediately if doing so in person
Changing your name at your bank. This can be done online at most of your banking's websites but, if you are ordering new checks or ordering new debit cards some branches require that you arrive at their establishment.
And the others. Once you have a social security card and drivers license with your married name, other changes are somewhat easy. Some require an in person signature while others could be done online or a phone call on your way home from work. Some may require your marriage certificate (insurance). Be sure to notify:
- Employers/HR
- Post Office CLICK HERE I think there is like
a 1.00 fee.
- Credit Card
Companies (most likely can do this online)
- School (for your
degree if you are about to graduate)
- Insurance
Companies (I believe there is a 30 day window)
- Doctor Offices
(on your next visit is good)
- Voter
Registration Office
- Investment
Account Providers
- Your Attorney
- On your passport